Nov 16, 2014

See Ya in the Gumbo # 158 {potluck}

Welcome to See Ya in the Gumbo

My great grandpa said See ya in the gumbo! 
instead of "good-bye."
It means see ya out there in the mix.

Gumbo is a mix of various ingredients.  
And no two people make it the same way.
To "make a gumbo" means much more than cooking.  When someone says "I'm making a gumbo," it means family and friends are invited.

I invite you to join this POTLUCK PARTY every Sunday night.
Bring whatever mix of ingredients you'd like.

Ms. enPlace

Top Five Features
(based on your clicks)

   Slow Cooker Taco Soup 
from Viva Veltoro
slow cooker taco soup freezer meal   

Sugar Snap Peas  
from Pickle Bee
Sugar Snap Peas final

Biltong {Beef Jerky} Soup 
from With a Blast
Biltong Soup ~ Delicious, rich and hearty soup made using traditional South-African Biltong which is similar {but not 100% same} as "Beef Jerky" #Soup #SouthAfrican #Biltong    

Broccoli Parmesan Meat Less Balls
from Best of Long Island and Central Florida
Broccoli Parmesan Meat Less Balls from Best of Long Island and Central Florida  

Cardamon Cookies
from Upstate Ramblings
Cardamon Cookies - Rich Spice Cookies

My picks...
Rustic Oatmeal Casserole Bread 
from Yesterfood

Ridiculously Easy, Rich Espresso Pumpkin Brownies
from Someday I'll Learn
Espresso Pumpkin Brownies with pumpkin ice cream

The Boy's picks...
Pain au Romarin 
from Zesty South Indian Kitchen
Pain au Romarin  from Zesty South Indian Kitchen

Oreo Bars 
from Farmer's Wife Rambles 
Oreo Dessert Bar Recipe 

No-Bake Chocolate, Peanut-butter Oat Bars
from Something Sweet: Winnie's Blog
No-Bake Chocolate, Peanut-butter Oat Bars

* Please link your post, not your homepage*
* Link back or add my button if you'd like*
* Try to visit 2 or more participants*
* Food-related posts only, please*

If you are featured
1. Your post will be linked along with a picture on this site 
2. Your post and a picture will be pinned to the See Ya In the Gumbo Potluck--Featured Recipes board 
3.  Your post and a picture will be shared on Google+

Thank you for linking.  Don't forget to check out some of the other entries!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


  1. Thanks so much for the party Michelle. I hope you are keeping warm. It is really cold in North Louisiana right now. I have been using the oven as often as I can. LOL! Have a great week!

  2. Thanks for the feature and the party, Michelle :-)

  3. Hi Michelle,
    Everything looks fantastic this evening, I am so hungry. Hope you have a great week and thanks so much for the party!
    Miz Helen

  4. Thank you so much for the feature Michelle, and thanks your boys as well :)
    Have a good week and thank you for hosting another party

  5. Anonymous11/16/2014

    Thanks for hosting the party. Have a great week.

  6. Didn't see any Cajun restaurants in Paris... they could use one. Good to be back to the party.

  7. Thanks for the party, and for featuring my cookies!

  8. Hi, thanks for another great party! Love all the features!

  9. Thanks for the party, my Friend!!


  10. Hello cute lady! I love stopping by your party each week. Thank you for hosting. Please stop by our party that starts tonight at 7 pm. We would really appreciate it.
    Happy Monday! Lou Lou Girls

  11. LOVE the line-up of Delish ! can't wait until I find time to join in the fun & goodness again.

  12. Thanks for the party Michelle~ Lynn

  13. Thank you so much for the feature and hosting another great party.
    See you next week and stay warm. It's 42 in Florida right now :-(

  14. It's been a little while, but I stopped in today with a new hot chocolate recipe and a classic sweet potato recipe for American Thanksgiving. Have a wonderful week!

  15. Thanks Michelle for featuring my pain au romarin, This week I brought pumpkin, happy hosting.


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments.