Dec 23, 2011

Bag Full of Crazy

Sometimes it shocks me--the things people reveal to each other over the Internet.

So here goes.

One day The Husband and I were lounging in bed.  I was whining explaining some non-existent problem related to a blog post I was having trouble writing.  The Husband was quiet as I droned on and on talked.  The he gave me the look.  No.  Not that look. 

That other look.  The "bitches be crazy" look.

His sage advice for my problem?
I quote: "Aren't you just a bag full of crazy."
(Then he got a look.)

I try.  I really do.  It's hard to not be this way (bag full of crazy) when you worry
All the time
About ev. er. eee. thing

Everything, you question?

I'm still worried that my mother-in-law may be offended because on Thanksgiving my dad said something about how wrong he thinks it is for children to have TVs in their bedrooms.  My mother-in-law bought TVs for both The Husband and his younger sister to keep in their bedrooms when they were kids.  It wasn't my rant, but I still worry.
Bag full of crazy.

If I'm running late with dinner--keep in mind my child is almost 10 and is perfectly capable of waiting for a meal--I can feel myself going all squinky.  Shortness of breath.  Tension building.  Balled fists.  Tight chest.  Failing failing failing.
Bag full of crazy.

And Christmas.  Whoa.  Boy.  It doesn't take a genius to figure out how that goes.  Doesn't matter how early I start prepping.  Early prepping is like scratching that rash.  Picking the scab.  It only aggravates my condition.  I can't tell you how many times I second, third, fourth guess the gifts I've chosen.  Think about returning them for something else.  Never mind if they're all wrapped, tagged, and bowed.
Bag full of crazy.

As you can imagine, the Holiday season is particularly trying for crazy like me.  Luckily there are some things that make me stop.  Unwind.  Or at least let a few strands come undone.

My mama's famous cheese & nut spread that she's asked to bring to church, neighborhood, work, and family holiday parties. 

She made it something like 14 times last year. 

There's something wonderful about combining sharp cheddar with green onions.  I adore this combo.

Mom doesn't do this, but I like to press about 1/4 c finely chopped pecans into the spread before inverting it into a bowl or mold.  Just dresses it up a bit.

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Cheese and Nut Spread
AKA Mom's Cheeseball

from my mom

8 oz sharp or extra sharp cheddar cheese, grated
8 oz. mozzarella or mild cheddar cheese, grated
½ cup sliced green onions
½ cup chopped pecans or walnuts
1/4 c finely chopped pecans or walnuts, if desired
1 – 1 ½ cups mayonnaise (start with 1 cup and go from there)
2 tbsp. yellow mustard
¼ - ½ tsp. cayenne pepper

Mix the first four ingredients together.  Stir in the mustard and 1 cup of mayo.  If the mixture does not press together, add additional mayo a spoon at a time.  Season to taste with cayenne.  Spray bowl, container, or mold with cooking spray, press cheese spread into container. This makes for easy release onto plate at serving time.  Chill for a few hours to allow the green onions to flavor the cheese.  Serve with your choice of crackers.

*Mayonnaise, mustard, and cayenne pepper measurements are approximate. Depending on the dryness of the cheddar cheese, and your preference, it may take a little more or less mayonnaise and/or mustard.

*I like to turn the spread out onto a board, shape into a ball, and press 1/4 c nuts into the top.  Invert into your bowl or mold then chill.

Linking with:

Food On Friday: Snacks & Treats @ Carole's Chatter
Tuesdays at the Table @ All the Small Stuff
Tuesday's Tasty Tidbts @ Permanent Posies
Turning the Table Thursday @ Around My Family Table
Friday Food @ MomTrends

My Meatless Mondays @ My Sweet & Savory
May your Holiday season lack
bags or boxes full of crazy.


  1. That will definitely keep the crazies away.

  2. What a cheese ball! your recipe, not you! ha ha I'm a bag full of crazy myself.

  3. You're hilarious! My husband just ignores my craziness, meaning he tunes me out completely. Your mom's cheese spread looks great for the holidays. Happy Holidays!

  4. I honestly believe this is a Cajun trait, passed down to us along with a love of (but not always ability for) dancing, and the uncanny talent of discussing our next meal over our current one.
    I wouldn't worry about it. Wait, no, yes I would. ; )

    Merry Christmas!

  5. Oh Michelle, you are such a treat! No wonder I love you...we're crazies together. You should have heard me freaking out about Christmas earlier today. My husband kept having to remind me that everything was fine and there was no need to panic.

    Lord knows I love a good cheese spread. Enough to make a complete meal out of this! Pour on the pecans;-)

    Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  6. Oh you are so funny. I know that bag full of crazy feeling. Hope you can keep the crazies down enough to enjoy your Christmas xo

  7. Pam-just don't eat too much, that may cause more worry.

    Vicki-I fully admit to being a cheese ball.

    Rhondi-It may be safer for mine to learn how to tune me out instead of making comments.

    So true, Paige!

    Kim-I was up off and on all night worrying about this, that, and, of course, the other. But I had to laugh at my husband. He woke me up around midnight to ask a question about something Santa had already taken care of.

    Sue-I'm sorry you're familiar with that feeling, but misery loves company, right?

  8. Just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas... hope it's been a wonderful day for you! Thank you so much for following our Christmas series so faithfully. It was fun and I so appreciate the features you allowed us to do from your blog.

    This cheese ball recipe sounds delicious! I have not had a cheese ball in a LONG time, and with so many requests for this one, it is definitely one I want to try. Looking forward to another year of food blogging in 2012!

  9. I totally understand about the Christmas craziness. The good news is, is that it's over for another year, and now it's time for the fun holidays, New Years and Mardi Gras. :)

    That cheese ball looks divine and I can't wait to try it! Thanks to your Mom for sharing it!

  10. I'm totally a worrier also, so I totally understand. But this? I would have full confidence putting this on the table. No second guesses.

  11. Anonymous12/26/2011

    This sounds so good!

    Hope you had a wonderful holiday! Thanks for linking up to Friday Food!

  12. My husband gets that look but the look is a glazed over one. If I ask him if he is listening, he says yes. I think he lies. :}

    I think this cheeseball is a must make. If you have a moment, maybe you could link it to My Meatless Mondays. With the holidays, I mean, IF you have a moment. I know how busy everyone is.

  13. I think we are related. Bags full of crazy!! hahaha!!
    (it's horrible sometimes, isn't it?)
    (one of my sons is 28 years old... I felt such guilt leaving him alone on Thanksgiving, but we had planned a trip a year ago, BEFORE he moved back to town. He's 28 years old. He has a girlfriend...still...I was: a bag full of crazy!!)

  14. It is not a bag full of crazy to feature Mom's cheese ball which I am doing on My Meatless Mondays. Come bring over your bag full of craziness. We can use some.

  15. This is a VERY impressive and tempting cheese ball. I've never actually seen something like this.

  16. Michelle, loved the post as well as the recipe. Thanks for coming on over for Food on Friday. Cheers


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